Goat in the bathroom

17 December 2007

Marie went to our teacher’s house today.  “Excuse moi” she cried “… there’s a goat in the bathroom”.

The answer as we found out is because tomorrow is Eid (al Udha) … or Hari Raya Haji in Malaysia-Singapore.  It commemorates Abraham’s (pbuh) willingness to sacrifice his son Ishmael for God.  Muslims sacrifice a goat, sheep etc and share it with the poor.  The festival is also the time when Muslims perform their major pilgrimage or haj to Makkah (Mecca).

So tomorrow, we’re back to the teacher’s house to share their lunch.  Marie won’t be eating the goat … “I can’t eat anyone I have met” … she’s even fed and patted the goat.

There’s certainly a festive air in Sana’a … the roads, streets and markets are crowded.  Lots of colourful dresses, cakes and biscuits for sale.  It takes forever to go anywhere by road these few days.

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