
Articles from this Category

Arrive home

I set the alarm for 0630 in order to have breakfast at 0700, when it opened.  I made my way to the main road to wait the bus to Nadi airport which was scheduled to go past at 0810.  It arrived more or less on time. On the way, we made a couple of unscheduled […]

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I finally had good enough weather in Pacific Harbour to lie by the pool and enjoy the resort’s facilities.  It gave me a chance to get out of the dorm room as well.  I did have two dips in the pool and it was freezing.  The sea, with the churned up sand wasn’t appealing enough. […]

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Shark Dive with no cage!

Introduction There are two outfits at Pacific Harbour that offer the Shark Dive experience where they feed the sharks underwater in front of the divers/customers. Beqa Adventure Divers is one outfit and the other is Aquatrek. I chose the former. In the back of my mind, there was the question of ethics.  Should we be […]

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Dive with hand-fed sharks

I woke at 0400 to go to the toilet. It was blowing a gale and I could hear it howl through the dorm. I had trouble getting back to sleep. By 0500, I could hear the birdsong and cicadas; I realised that was because the wind had died down. When the alarm rang at 0620, […]

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Different place, same shitty weather

Above:  Heading into Nadi town by bus. I love the open-sided Fijian buses. I woke early with the sun and dozed still around 0830 due to the 1h time change. I took breakfast in the hotel. It was fairly priced if one pays for it in advance at the front-desk; it seems strange considering it […]

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Killing time before flying to Fiji

Making the most of the day I wish the weather would make up its mind so I could make up mine. It flicked between sunny, dark-cloudy and windy, prompting me to flick between staying in or going out to the beach. I had the day to kill before my 1700 flight to Nadi, Fiji. I […]

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