Heading back to Yemen

21 February 2007

My brother Ben took me from my apartment to Kuching airport around 1730.  I have a flight to Kuala Lumpur and onwards to Dubai and Sana’a in Yemen.  It will be my second time in Yemen, a country that I enjoyed very much less than a year ago.

The Malaysia Airlines flight from Kuching to KL was delayed by half an hour from 2000 to 2030.  A later flight had been cancelled and mine was delayed to absorb the passengers from that.

Fortunately the delay wasn’t big enough to cause me to worry, as I still had over two hours of connecting time.  I enjoyed a smooth transit at KL for my onward Emirates flights to Dubai and then Sana’a with both sets of boarding passes issued to me.

I had tried to do an online check-in on Emirates but it didn’t work.  I had asked my inbound connection on Malaysia Airlines to be noted in my booking (as a passive segment) and that prevented an online check-in.

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