Securing my return to New Zealand

7 December 2021

My alarm rang at 0430 so I could partake in the roughly weekly Managed Isolation & Quarantine (MIQ) room release lottery so I can return to New Zealand.  I had been doing it through my travels around Europe but at times having a friend do it on my behalf.

The randomised entry into the booking was such that I was near the tail end.  There were no rooms in the mid-January period which I had hoped for.  The only dates available were in December or February.  The latter would be a waste of time as one would only need to wait two weeks and home-isolation would then be available.

I went with an arrival date of 28 December 2021 which was a little too soon for my liking.  It also meant a quick turnaround after returning to Kuching from my diving jaunt.

Having had plans to go camping at Lake Benmore in early January before I suddenly took on the trip to Europe, it appeared I could revive this plan if I delayed the camping dates by a couple of days.  For that reason, I booked a flight arriving in to Christchurch rather than Auckland.  All appeared sorted and I rebooked my rental car.

The next day I realised that the new-ish 7-day quarantine regime needs to be followed up with 3 days of home isolation.  How or where would I do that?  My friends and relatives have elderly household members and it would be wrong for me to ask.

A day after, I had this cracked.  I would isolate at Brent and Moira’s while they are at Lake Benmore and then drive down to join them.  Whew!  I had to make a further shift to the rental car but the whole MIQ booking and resolution afterwards had meant two nights of short or poor sleep.

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