Bintulu nightstop

16 September 2018

At Bintulu Sentral, the bus station, I was feeling a little headachey from not eating properly.  I asked a cafe if they had Ais Kacang.  The said “Yep” and brought me a mug of sweet mung bean porridge with ice on top.  Not what I had imagined but correct literally.

I took a Grab car to Houz Inn in old town Bintulu. I felt my headache growing despite having nearly a whole 1.5 litre bottle of water to compensate for the profuse sweating through the day.

Even though it was only 1700, I was more than ready for dinner. I grabbed a few snacks at the night market but couldn’t find anything that would fill the gap properly  I then headed into a very quiet mall where I downed an over-greasy fried kwayteow.

I was in bed by 1900 and fell asleep soon after, to wake up around 0345 but doze again till 0700.  It must have been the combination of heat and not having eaten properly.

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