To the capital

9 September 2013

It was an easy one hour drive to Scotland’s capital and second largest city. We dropped our bags off at the Tune Hotel, expecting to have to pay for the brief storage and sure enough, it cost us GBP2 per piece.

We returned the car to the airport and bused back into town for lunch and checked in at 3pm. The hotel is opposite Haymarket Station and is a couple of blocks away from all the activity.

Because I booked with some leftover credit that was expiring, which I had been given by Kim, the timing wasn’t right for one of their promotional rates. I could have got (but had to pay) a better place like the Premier Inn for about the same price on their promos. I reckon the Tune’s standard rates are about the same as other hotels’ promos; Tune would be great on a promotion.

Walking around town before getting to the hotel, I loved the place. It was the combination of the old castle hovering above and the pedestrian malls, not to mention the sunshiny day for a change.

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