Preparing to go our separate ways

11 August 2013

Above: View of Pahar Ganj from the restaurant we ate at.

We didn’t do any of the touristy sights of Delhi in our 2-plus days here. For me, I’ve done it all before even though it has been 19 years ago. And the main sight of the Red Fort, I had kinda just done a year ago in Lahore (the two forts are very similar to each other and each has a gate that is named after the opposite city).

The only thing of note during our stay (yesterday) was our catch up with Kim’s aunt Joyce and her husband Vicki at the Delhi Sports Club. Lunch was gorgeous and their Olympic-sized swimming pool was very inviting in the heat.

Kim left for the airport at 2000 for his flight to Hong Kong. I rested for several hours more to await my pick-up after midnight.

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