Arriving in “Medan Junior”

10 January 2011

Above: This picture of Berastagi makes it look quite nice. And it was taken when dry … without all that mud.

Today I took a 3.5 hour shared taxi-ride to the town of Berastagi, also in the highlands. The surrounding area is very fertile and they grow lots of cabbage, carrots and other vegetables.

Unfortunately the small town can be described as Medan Junior (ugly but smaller) and with the cold, rainy and cloudy weather I’m dreading my stay here.  There’s lot of dark mud (volcanic ash?) around due to the wet weather and it really seems like a miserable place, right now anyway.

The intention is to climb the volcano Mt Sibayak (a volcano) tomorrow. We’ll see if it happens. I spent most of my half day here today indoors at Losmen Sibayak Guesthouse.

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