The real world

24 August 2020

This stay in Kuching for 2-3 months will be the longest stretch I’ve ever spent in hometown since leaving some 35 years ago.  I thought I’d better get into an exercise routine that includes more than just yoga and swimming.  I thought I’d go to the gym as well, as I normally do in Auckland.

After a series of sun salutations after my morning coffee, and a light breakfast.  I hopped in the car to go to the nearest gym.  It turned out to be quite good but had no air-con.  That wasn’t going to work for me so I continued to the only other option that wasn’t a big drive away.

Well, that was an even better gym but had air-con installed but not turned on.  I didn’t have much choice so did a walk-in workout.  I got completely drenched of course.

With errands to do afterwards, I pushed on with my to-do list after a light lunch.  I felt stressed and disgusting with the heat and the sweat.  While I managed to get everything done, I felt that life was so much easier in quarantine.  Especially with air-con.

Don’t get me wrong.  I’ve travelled in hot places before.  Sudan, Papua etc.  But it’s different when there’s the fire of adventure burning inside me, driving me to explore.  But here I’m gonna be living it day-to-day.

Edit:  It actually got worse.  My fridge starting pissing then gave up working.  I had to rush to find a replacement before a public holiday.  Fortunately the shop was able to deliver on the same day.  And my washing machine hose split when I touched it; tropical heat degrades plastics very badly.  Water went everywhere but fortunately homes here are made to be hosed down unlike in New Zealand.

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