Making progress

18 August 2020

Big Day Out

Today, being Day 10, I had my second swab at the hotel (third if you count the one at Kuala Lumpur International Airport).  I was called down to the function room around 1000.  It was my big day out, my second time outside of my hotel room in my whole stay so far.

Again, it was done the throat and then up both nostrils using the same swab.  I don’t have much of a gag reflex but it got me a little this time.

Yoga Progress

At Day 10 and I’m pleased to report that I’ve managed to keep to the program that I had set for myself.  That consists of with yoga twice a day in the monrning: light practice before breakfast and improvement work before lunch).  Then in the afternoon, some body-weight exercise and then use the foam roller to loosen some muscles.

One area that I’ve worked on during the quarantine is urdhva dhanurasana (chakrasana in some forms of yoga).  It’s a full back-bend.  I can’t bend forward and touch my toes, but I make up for it by being able to do back-bends.

While I’ve been able to do the pose for a while now, I hadn’t been able to do a couple of variations.  They are (1) back-bend push-ups and (2) one-legged back-bend (eka pada urdhva dhanurasana).

Then one day, I found myself able to do it, when I tried out of curiosity … after not having tried for a couple of years.  The impossible had recently and unexpected became occasionally possible.

With my quarantine practice these are now usually possible. One day, they may become normal or even easy.  Note that I have very tight hamstrings since childhood and this stops me from lifting my leg to vertical.


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