Cliff, cave, baby and boulder graves

20 October 2009

Above:  The newly prepared grave took over 2 years to carve out manually.

Cliff graves at Suaya

We started the day visiting Suaya which had a cliff-face filled with effigies similar to yesterday’s at Lemo.  We learnt that the ones here are original whereas those at Lemo had been replaced after being pillaged.

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Tampangallo cave graves

Cave From Suaya, we continued to Tampangallo where coffins were stored in caves on wooden racks, similar to what we saw yesterday afternoon.

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Baby graves at Kambira

Moving on to something new and different, we visited the baby graves at Kambira and these proved to be most interesting:

  • When babies die before having any teeth, they are not provided with normal funeral procedures but are put into tree trunks.  They must be buried within hours.
  • A hole is made in a trunk of a large tree (eg. mango or breadfruit).  The dead baby is put into the hole in a foetal position and the hole is covered over by what seems to be bark fibre.
  • The hole will grow over eventually and will have a normal bark in about 30 years.
  • It will be taboo for family members to consume fruit from that tree.

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Megaliths and boulder graves at Bori

In the afternoon we visited the megaliths at Bori.  For the funeral ceremonies of important people, a humungous rock pillar or megalith is brought by hand from faraway places to the funeral grounds  –  this practice has not succumbed to motorised transport even today.

Here, the deceased are buried in a grave carved out from a huge boulder.  We saw a freshly prepared one.  It had taken over two years to slowly chisel a perfectly formed room without any safety equipment such as masks or earmuffs.

By the way, the Toraja language has some similarities to Sarawak Malay (or even Tagalog).  Chicken is manok instead of ayam, it is also sukun instead of dukun and asu instead of anjing!


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