Revenge of the Pharoah meets Linda Blair

8 October 2009

It is 3am.  Kim is rather sick from both ends … it is like Revenge of the Pharoah meets Linda Blair from Exorcist, the movie.

We went to the doctor just to satisfy ourselves that the dehydration isn’t too severe that it would affect his kidneys (which were recently impacted by another event).

We don’t think it was food-related as we had eaten off the same plate of food for all meals in the last 36 hours … and it isn’t the kind of food, eg. pizza where a fly may have settled on one piece but not another.  It seems to be more like what had been going round his family in the last week   🙁

To look on the bright side, he has a comfy home to be sick in … imagine if this had happened yesterday on the plane and in airports.

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