Our longest drive

28 June 2021

Above:  The beach at Seaforth.

Today was the biggest drive on our road trip, driving from Agnes Water to Seaforth near Cape Hillsborough National Park.  Estimated driving time was just a little less than 7h.

We hit the road at 0710 with Kim doing the driving at first.  We changed over a few times and he did a little more than half of the driving.  We started with reasonably blue skies but it clouded over as we proceeded north.  It was as warm as a cool Auckland summer’s day.  The scenery was the usual combination of eucalyptus and sugar cane plantations plus plenty of cattle in the area on either side of Rockhampton.

We didn’t have any luck with free coffee/tea places today; they were closed.  We took lunch in a tiny settlement called Marlborough and some brief stops in other places.

Arriving at Seaforth Holiday Units at 1540 we were pleasantly surprised by the place.  I had expected a downward step from last night’s but it was nicer but perhaps helped by the finer weather.  The slight let-down was that the private bathroom was not attached to the room.  Because everything else, including our hosts, were so nice, it didn’t matter.

After a brief rest, we took a look at our local beach and drove to Casuarina Beach at Cape Hillsborough National Park where we would hopefully see the kangaroos and wallabies at sunrise.

We finished the day with a simple dinner of half a chicken burger, canned soup and the last of our leftover pita pocket with tomato and cheese. Having spent most of the day sitting on our backsides, we didn’t feel like we needed a lot of food.

While it was cool outside, it felt a little muggy indoors.  We had to turn our air-con on to cool and dry the room out.  What a change from last night when we had it on heat.  That’s what you get for the change in weather and change in latitude.

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